Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I have been awarded $3,000 by the NKU International Study Scholarship.

Update: Apparently I have been awarded $250 from the NKU language department's scholarship too.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Generic Update

I have been extremely swamped with school work lately, multiple 10+ page papers, presentations, projects, etc, so I haven't really had much of a chance to do anything noteworthy regarding my trip, we're currently working on the Visa application, which is kinda confusing. We have had contact with PFUR (the Russian school I'll be attending) and they said I may potentially have free housing! Which would be awesome. I am yet to even post my Triumph for sale, seeing I'd have no time to meet potential buyers. I have applied for two separate scholarships, but need to look and apply for more (so if anybody knows of any, let me know). In other news regarding the trip, I bought a digital camera so I can take tons of good pictures. I got a Kodak EasyShare 7.2 Megapixel and a 2 gig memory card. Thing seems pretty cool and it was a good deal.
I'm also still in the process of saving as much money as possible, but Murphy's Law never abates, for some reason my insurance didn't cover as much of my dental checkup as it should, and I have to get two of my wisdom teeth removed.