Friday, May 2, 2008

Back to Reality

Well my knee went out again, but it doesn't seem too serious and may actually be for the positive. I was starting to worry that the stress of school (a certain [terrible] American politics class in particular and my determination to earn an A in it) was driving me back into my old skateboard addiction. I feel I may have been taking it too seriously, and though I don't feel I let it get in the way of school as I once did, I still think it took a little too much of my attention and concern. Like I said I don't think this knee injury is very serious, I doubt I'll even need to see a doctor, it feels more like a reality check. I recognize that skateboarding is a huge part of my past and a great and positive influence on who I am as a person, I should never let it leave my life, but I know I must keep it in its place, from here on out it must be "skatboading" not skateboarding. I think this injury even came about because I let the 'e' and 'r' return, I was warming up to show off. The timing was also pretty good for a good old fashioned realization, the day before a presentation about perestroika, and right after my school stress began to ebb. Overall I feel really good, the knee is sore, but I feel realigned.

Page 2: In other news, my friend Joe showed me how to set windows up to allow typing in Russian. Я люблю мою новую русскую клавиатуру. With just an alt + shift I can switch to typing in Russian, it is glorious. I had to write the letters on the keys with a sharpie so I can hunt and peck, it makes my keyboard look crowded, dirty, and messy, but it is totally worth it.