Monday, August 18, 2008

T-minus 10 Days

I leave in 10 days and think I am ready to go. Mentally I feel prepared, and I think I have everything lined up. I still haven't got my visa, but the application is at the Russian Consulate and I trust them to return my stuff in time. Other than that I think I have what I need, I just need to pack it all up and board the plane. As to preparations, I think I have just about everything done. I have a few more grad school application materials to prepare, but I think I have all of the "must be done in the states before I leave" stuff out of the way.

As to life, I feel like I have been super busy with work, and preparations-not to mention the Olympics having me glued to the TV. I have a bunch of stuff I want to do before I leave, but just wonder if there will be time, but then again it's not like I'm leaving forever-or am I??? duh duh dunnnn j/k.

And what about Russia? There's been a lot of news and I've answered the "what about Georgia?" and "what's up with Georgia?" questions a million times over. The short answer: I don't believe violence is ever the answer, and I think there are a lot of pots calling kettles black. As to how I feel it will affect me, I don't think it will have any serious repercussions as to my visit and quest of learning Russian and bringing goodwill; though I know it will add to the educational experience in witnessing international politics from another social angle-it is all about perspective. In another piece of Russian news, the great Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn recently died and was buried in Moscow, so I have another grave to visit and pay respects. Selfishly I wish Mr. Solzhenitsyn could have waited another month to die; and as many of you know, the Russians take great pride in their authors and pay them the respect in death that they deserve, and I would have liked to have witnessed the spectacular funeral given to Solzhenitsyn and paid my respects.