Wednesday, September 3, 2008

On the left (I think-if this works properly) Is the commemoration to the conquering of space. On the right is the giant statue of Yuri Gagarin at Ploshad' Gagarina. FYI: Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space-and yes I did realize that all of my tourism so far has been Kosmos related. I was going to go to Khrushchev's grave today, but instead I've been working on my computer, I'm giving everything I have to fixing it. I think I may ride the old "skatboad" here in a minute to relax-the weather is absolutely perfect today.


Unknown said...

The gagarin statue looks very sci-fi. Its sort of creepy in an art deco kind of way.

Unknown said...
Communism is gay... just ask the Pet Shop Boys. (There is a familiar site at 2:11)