Friday, January 2, 2009

Final Report

I have woken up at noon on my last full day in Russia. Miraculously the sun is shining with only a few lonely clouds in the sky, an absolutely beautiful day, but instead of fully appreciating it as I should, I just wish that it is like this tomorrow for my flight. And while this may be the last of my blog entries (I may still post a follow up from home and will probably start a new “normal life” and/or skateboarding one), it doesn't really feel like the end, but only the beginning of something. Of what I don't know, I don't really know where life takes me from here. As for my experience here, every day and minute may not have been fun, but they were all great in their own way. I would possibly describe my experience as a 4 month party, but it was also one of the most educating experiences of my life. I admit that I didn't learn as much Russian as I had hoped for, but then again I probably expected too much of myself and hoped for what would have been a miracle. But on the flip side of that, I helped a lot of people with their English and taught them a lot of good slang. I also think that what I didn't learn of Russian I learned about myself and life itself. I'm not going to try and claim that I learned the meaning of life or anything, but I think I may have learned what it means to live and what it is I need to do in life-but in other ways I'm probably more confused about the future than I've ever been, but that's kinda the point of it all. If you knew everything that was going to happen it wouldn't be all that fun. If you landed every trick you ever tried you wouldn't appreciate a one of them. I think I also learned about appreciation and being thankful for what I have and have been given, because I really have a lot, and even “have” what it is I lack through its absence. It has been a wonderful experience which I would recommend to anybody. I have learned new styles, and found new inspirations, and of course made many great friends, some of which I know I will never see again, but would rather think of the hope and possibility of seeing one or two of them again. They have given me all kinds of inspiration and countless stories to tell in the future; from the French not liking to wear pants, to the African pissing in the corner of the indoor soccer field. I learned things about Russia, Russian life and culture you could never learn in a text book. I learned what the difference is between 10,000+ people per sq km and 600 per sq km. I also learned what home is. What a big fat dog can mean and represent to me, as well as what a smile can do for you. I just hope that what I have learned stays with me and is not beaten back to the deeper recesses of my brain and forgotten by the normality of home life. I hope I can stay motivated and inspired, I really like some of my new ideas and think they have the possibility to take me somewhere and bring happiness to myself and others. I discovered that I love to play goalkeeper in soccer and hope I can find a team at home. I discovered the true meaning of skateboarding to me. I rediscovered writing, and realized that I can write about anything and in different ways-even my take on skateboarding and life in general.
I'm kinda sad to leave Moscow and my friends, but at the same time I am extremely excited to go home and see my family and friends. It actually worries me how excited I am to go home. This level of excitement can only lead to disappointment. It seems that anything I've ever wanted this bad never happens: my pessimism envisions airport delays, airport worker strikes, plane crashes, hijackings, anything that could change my plans. I should mention that I hate flying, especially these long flights. You're trapped in a giant tube in a tiny seat surrounded by a bunch of people. There is nothing to see and nothing to do but hope you somehow sleep through it and wake up on the other side of the world. Not to mention customs-ugh-I get it on both sides this time: you have to go through customs leaving Russia, and then again in the USA. But enough of that. There is so much I could say and write about regarding my experience, what I've seen, and what I have learned, but at this time I think it best just to wrap it up. To do so I'd like to thank those who've made my experience and time so great and special, and taught me so much, here: Karstar, JJ, Q-Murder, Iizy, G-Money, Odo, Matterazzi, Celery Stick, and more. And of course my readers, friends, and family at home: Terminator-T, General Paulus, G-Daddy and the Goony Bird, Moragami, Mikromathematics, Gary Goodfella, P-Strong, K-ed, the random reader, and many more.
I love you all, you really mean the world to me, and I hope to see you all in the nearest future.

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