Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just a quickie

I went to the embassy to vote yesterday (I never got my absentee ballot so I had to go do a Federal Provisional one) but it was closed (it closed at 4 I was there at 4:15. So I just went down the street and skated the Новый Арбат-where there is a seemingly endless line of low to mid knee height gray marble ledges. Absolutely awesome spot. I skated OK, layed down some cool tricks and a sweet line or two, but it was nothing like the religious experience of my last session. The highlight trick wise was an ollie up on the ledge to ollie up to b/s tailslide on the "extension." But the best part of the session was when I heard kids talking about me, and then after I cussed at an old lady in French I heard one yell "он француц" (he's french) to the other guys. I found it all hilarious. Last night was an awesome night of school night drinking, first at a bar watching the Russia football match, then at some girls' place and then after getting the boot, at some dudes' we barely know where we drank more and watched the Germany match. Now for what actually makes me cool. I went to the embassy and voted today, (which required a >15 minute bus ride in a hot, standing room only bus before a 45 minute ride in a stuffy, stifling packed to the gills Metro) but in the space for President I got to write in big, bold, capital letters: OBAMA, so it was all worth it. Unfortunately they didn't have any of the cool little "I voted" stickers. History is being made. Awesomeness! But probably more important in Kentucky, I got to vote against the bastard Mitch McConnell and write "Lunsford." Now it's just wait and see.

And I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I put in a request to extend my stay here another semester. The school here in Russia has approved, but we're waiting to hear NKU's verdict and word about scholarships, tuition, etc. The decision would put off graduation another semester and therefore delay grad school for a year, but I think it would definitely be worth it in regards to how much I would learn, classes offered, and the impacts of such on my grad school applications. I will keep you updated and maybe try to write a bigger, fuller report in the coming days.

1 comment:

Rowbear said...

dang, expatriotism or what? what's the deal with all the Mc's running for elected office sucking (McCain, McConnell).