Friday, October 3, 2008

Random pictures and normal bs

I guess they consider my language abilities good enough to get by, because they have added classes to my schedule. No longer do I only have Russian language classes 5 hours a day, 6 days a week, but now I have class 5 hours a day, 6 days a week in which 3 hours a week I have a history of Russia class taught in Russian and 1 hour of sport-I chose football (soccer). The history class is really cool, I don't really know what the teacher is saying, (though today I understood pretty well) and I can't get my books for another few days, but I know the material so all is pretty good (I intend to keep my degree in Russian history a secret so that the teacher just thinks I'm some type of history idiot savant-which I may be anyways). In class now we're talking about the origins of the Russian people, not quite my forte or primary era of interest, but it is really cool. Learning Russian history in Russian is absolutely incredible and inspiring to me, I just wish I could understand more and take more history classes-this I think is just what I need though, more conversation in which I'm interested-it has me really motivated to learn more Russian (as if I wasn't already motivated). Since starting the history course a few days ago I have been studying twice as hard, speaking more, reading more, and not as afraid to ask someone a word. I don't think I can stress how much I want to take more classes, I may even look into staying here another semester (but that idea is still a secret). The sport class is really cool, it is just more than an hour every Friday morning on an indoor soccer field. The teacher is an ex-Russian professional, rather strict but fun loving and all smiles. Just like a little practice, we warm-up, due some drills, then divide into teams and scrimmage before warming down and going home. The people in the class are really cool, there are 2 Russian girls, a Russian guy from Vladivostok (which is just as far from Moscow as Cincinnati btw), 2 Iranians, 2 guys from Tanzania, another African from where I forget, and a Venezuelan. Because I'm tall, slow, with good reflexes, and American (a fact that still surprises and intrigues people around here-the coach guessed me to be German or Finish) I was picked to be a вратарь (goalkeeper) and did awesome. My team won 2-1, and the goal against me was just a dumb mistake. The game was a lot of fun even though the Venezuelan was really good and on the other team-he's a great midfielder quick, with good ball handling skills, but can't finish a goal to save his life-I could read him like a book. Anyways, everything is going really well, I'm working hard but having a lot of fun. I have learned a lot and can see/hear improvement everyday; I just have a problem learning verbs, but I think I'll be speaking well by the time I leave.
Last night we had a fire drill in our dormitory: at 4:30AM! We go down stairs and outside and they have people spraying hoses and yelling on megaphones for effect and everything. I guess if you're gonna do it do it right? I also have a new favorite place in Moscow: the рынок (market) just down the road. It is a rather large, sprawling outdoor flea market type place with all kinds of different booths selling everything from fur coats to vegetables, bootleg DVDs to hats, bootleg sports jerseys to lingerie, kitchen appliances to shoes. It is awesome, a great place for anthropological observation as well as good, cheap shopping. Yesterday I bought a bootleg DVD with the first 8 Friday the 13th movies horribly dubbed into Russian with the same guy translating every character with absolutely no emotion. It is one of the funniest things ever bought for $4. The рынок is awesome. The people you meet there, the haggling over prices, the competitors yelling over a lower price to you, and just the all around Russian atmosphere. It is also a great place to hear and speak useful Russian, so I count the money I spend on bootleg DVDs and jerseys to be tax deductible-educational expenses. Anyways, keep it real, enjoy your perfect KY fall weather and check back soon, eventually I'll post the blog about going to the football (soccer) match back in mid Sept. Speaking of football, how 'bout dem Bengals? Browns aren't much better so I won't talk. Наоборот, Go Crew! And I read that post-season baseball is kicking ass too.


Rowbear said...

for a minute did you think you were back in Kirwan tower?

Unknown said...

How much are you holding up there, like $3.25?

Joe Dees said...

It did feel like Kirwan Tower, so funny you should remember that. $200-1 year's salary from Budget.